25. januar, 2022
Aveny is a company that since 1960, has solgt watches and quality jewellery. Today they have 7 physical stores and a webshop, with more than 30.000 different products for sale. So a well functioning webshop is abviously vital for the companys business. Recently they decided to do a well deserved upgrade on their current website (see link below for current reference to the designs as they look now), and I have helped them do full static design mockups for most pages. These designs - both User Experince (UX) and layout - I have developed in close collaboration with Aveny stakeholders. As a part of this assignment a new more professional visual line was requested, and the result is shown on a selection of mockups on this page. The chosen style is a light and feminin look, with white, gray, and hints of gold and brown. The imagery has not been a part of this assignment, so the images in the mockups are just placeholders for upcoming new images.
The work is done in Adobe xD, Photoshop and Illustrator. This design is now under development in Magento, and will be release some time this year.
Note: The design for the home page is still underway. They wanted to wait with this process untill the other pages are closer to completion.
Project date
25. January, 2022
Aveny Jewellery
Client Website- App Design
- Art Direction
- Design
- Development
- Digital
- E-Commerce
- Frontend Development
- JavaScript
- Layout
- UI
- User Experience
- UX
- Web
- Webshop